A safer space for writers of all kinds and experience, both as a place to work & a place to share.

Theo Brown

Theo Brown

Theo is a non-binary, queer, proudly disabled human being. They have been writing poetry in some form since the fifth grade. They have always used poetry as a way “to better understand myself, the world around me, and how I fit into said world.” They are former Vice President of Innovation and Outreach for Write Club.

Latest Writings



startled by the buzzing alarm
but not enough to get up
class in an hour
sleeps two more

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Peaceful lazy flakes
Silently land on my cheek
Cold. Then, cold again

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The Early Years

the early years are nothing but pictures
snapshots of a different life lived

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What Could Have Been

walking at midnight in the city of lights
the street lights flickering with the stars above
a gentle breeze intertwines with my hair
feeling leaves crunch their little deaths
neath my feet on the cobble path

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